My Mission is to make therapeutic self-care accessible and affordable. In person, the self-care I offer is acupuncture (with Yoga Nidra/ guided meditation while the needles stimulate the acupoints). This allows for the body to get to a completely relaxed state, where it can begin to heal itself. I also offer a combination of yoga, acupressure massage, cupping and acupuncture in various ways depending on the person and condition presented.
Remotely, I teach yoga with self-acupressure massage. I am here to help you learn and understand the tools you possess for achieving less pain and more comfort within your body, mind and soul.
I understand that affordability is different for everyone and everyone deserves the knowledge and opportunity to help themselves feel better. I am not here to serve a “target” audience. I’m here for you, whoever you are, wherever you are, if you need me.