In English, acupoints are named for the channel that they are found on and the number of points that they are along the pathway. Acupoints can be local (near to) or distal (away from) to the area of pain or discomfort. For example, a point on the hand may benefit the neck or throat. Acupoints can also treat disorders of the Traditional Chinese Medicine organs, which the channels are named after. The organs are not a direct translation to organs in Western medicine. There can be some overlap in functions, but it is important to remember not to take the organ terms literally. If you want more information check out the theories section of this site.


Lung Meridian (LU)

Direction: Runs chest to hand

Element: Metal, yin organ

Chinese Body Clock: 3am-5am


Large Intestine Meridian (LI)

Direction: Runs hand to face

Element: Metal, yang organ

Chinese Body Clock: 5am-7am


Stomach Meridian (ST)

Directions: Runs face to foot

Element: Earth, yang organ

Chinese Cody Clock: 7am-9am


Spleen Meridian (SP)

Direction: Runs Foot to chest

Element: Earth, yin organ

Chinese Body Clock: 9am-11am


Heart Meridian (HT)

Direction: Runs chest to hand

Element: Fire element, yin organ

Chinese Body Clock: 11am-1pm


Small Intestine Meridian (SI)

Direction: Runs hand to face

Element: Fire, yang organ

Chinese Body Clock: 1pm-3pm


Bladder/ Urinary Bladder Meridian (BL/UB)

Direction: Runs face to foot

Element: Water, yang organ

Chinese Body Clock: 3pm-5pm


Kidney Meridian (KD)

Direction: Runs foot to chest

Element: Water, yin organ

Chinese Body Clock: 5pm-7pm


Pericardium Meridian (PC)

Direction: Runs chest to hand

Element: Fire, yin organ

Chinese Body Clock: 7pm-9pm


San Jiao/ Triple Burner Meridian (SJ/TB)

Directions: Runs hand to face

Element: Fire, yang organ

Chinese Body Clock: 9pm-11pm


Gall Bladder Meridian (GB)

Direction: Runs face to foot

Element: Wood, yang organ

Chinese Body Clock: 11pm-1am


Liver Meridian (LV)

Direction: Runs foot to chest

Element: Wood, yin organ

Chinese Body Clock: 1am-3am


Ren/ Conception Vessesl Meridian (R/CV)
